Worldsim Alpha 3 out now!

Finally, it's in a functional state enough for me to start adding more blocks! Alright, it's story time a little-

I started learning to code about 2-3 years ago, and I have been in love with emergent behaviour since I started in pygame with Conway's Game of Life. I have on many an occasion tried to make a 2d simulator/sandbox that suits what I want, and always after getting a bit into something I just can't be bothered to look at it anymore. 

I made the very first version of this more than a year ago, and first started _documenting_ it on the 5 of August, 2022. I worked on it for about 2 weeks, and ended up with alpha1 which I released just a few days ago! It had some problems, but I found it gathering dust in the back of my hard drive and thought, "aw, hell with it I'll upload it.".

Well, since the day I found it a couple weeks ago, I have tried a few times to make a 2d isometric engine in SFML/c++ and just could not get the performance I wanted out of it. I can't figure out why still in those projects. Then I look at this thing I made forever ago when I had only just begun my coding journey, and _it works better than anything I've coded for a 2d isometric recently_

alright, alright. You win, past Daltonyx. I'll work on this simulation, it works really well anyways. Holy COW is the code messy though. For any programmers, this was before I was super comfortable with classes and inheritance so when I started pulling it apart to clean it up the other day, it was all in one giant mega source file. It's been a few days of detangling this spaghet, and here is the product! Alpha3! A crude reminder from past Daltonyx to finish his damn work!

Currently the overhaul was mainly on UI and the graphics for the tiles-

*all shading was replaced with dithering. just fits the 'roller coaster tycoon' kinda vibe

*all those fake buttons have been replaced with an actual Button class I wrote, with text popups to say what they do and all!

*keybinds have been added to aid in saving/quitting/debug curiousity/screenshot functionality

*windowing system for the picker! plenty of modular,dynamic space for me to start plugging new tiles in for the worldsim, and it's draggable and minimizable to boot!

*pause menu with camera panning speed adjustment (def a QOL for those impatient folks like myself!)

*Fancy backgrounds for buttons and menus!

*toggle switch for those pesky boids. No more 25fps by default! 60 flat is the norm here.

*paint mode for tile placement OR removal, for ease of use!

and to top it all off, there have been performance adjustments out the wazoo to make _sure_ it doesn't run slow, even on an aging laptop. All coded COMPLETELY from scratch in C++/SFML, with no Unity! Screw you Unity! I enjoyed working on DVoid :(

if you have made it this far, I hope you have a wonderful day! and if you enjoy game mods, I'm a rather prolific modder of Unity games (; You can find my discord server I now have for it here!-

you can also find my youtube to see what i'm talking about and maybe learn some more about some games and mods here! -

Files 11 MB
Sep 26, 2023


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