Worldgen, Food, and Fixes

Sand texturing and random grass generation have been added! as a bonus for this, when you place an object/building it will remove that annoying grass around it, so you won't have grass poking through your floors anymore!

Food is now present, in certain 'fruit' trees you'll see around the map! Hunger has been added as a side to this. When you have 5 or more hunger points in the bar, it will drain those 5 points every 5 seconds to restore 5 health, with a satisfying little plink to let you know you're healing. Finally, a way to heal without dying!

A slight oversight i had in alpha 6 was the game did not save when going to the cave and back. this has now been fixed and your houses will not disappear when you travel to/from.

several items/interactions have been added, with cooking being planned

position saving is fixed again, so when you load you'll still be at your base rather than world-spawn

Files 78 MB
Aug 04, 2023


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